Profit Enhancement Services
Working Capital Efficiency
YMS Value help clients to focus on maximizing liquidity and free cash flow, by helping the business to tackle the following issues:
Additional funding requirements due to increased working capital driven by business growth;
Lack of cash awareness across departments with no working capital targets and incentives;
Difficult working capital balancing act;
High levels of overdue receivables and bad debt write-offs;
Damaged or obsolete inventory.
The price you charge for your product or service is one of the most important business decisions you make. Setting a price that is too high or too low will - at best - limit your business growth. At worst, it could cause serious problems for your sales and cash flow.
Businesses should set a price and sales levels that will allow profitability, while considering where your product or service stands when compared with your competition.
An annual budget for a business is one of the key instrument by which it translates its plans into action. The best business budgets are well thought out and accurate, providing a realistic view of the business finances for the next period. Budget planning for a business is a strategic opportunity, and it produces a roadmap to make sure the company is moving toward its goals.
Transfer Pricing Due Diligence Analysis
A transfer price is a price applied in a transaction between related parties (two companies or a company and an individual). A transfer price must be arm’s length, meaning it must match the market price that two independent entities would apply in a similar transaction under the same or similar (comparable) conditions.
Any difference between transfer prices and arm’s length prices will require an adjustment of taxable profits, and taxpayers are required to provide documentary support for their transfer pricing assessment, on request of the Tax Authorities.